Department of Textile

Course Outline
SEMESTER 1 Total Credits = 19
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ENG-101 Basic English 3
MATH-101 Mathematics-I 3
CHEM-101 Chemistry-I 2
CSC-101 Introduction To Computer Applications 3
CHEM-102 Chemistry-I(lab) 1
TXE-102 Engineering Drawing (lab) 2
TXE-103 Introduction To Textile Engineering 3
ENG-101 Introduction to Composition 2
SEMESTER 2 Total Credits = 14.5
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
MATH-102 Mathematics-II 2
PHY-101 Physics-I 2
CHEM-103 Chemistry-II 2
TXE-101 Engineering Materials 3
CHEM-104 Chemistry-II(lab) 1
PHY-102 Physics-I(lab) 1.5
TXE-203 Textile Raw Material-I 3
SEMESTER 3 Total Credits = 18
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ENG-102 Introduction to Composition 3
MATH-103 Mathematics-III 2
PHY-103 Physics-II 2
CHEM-105 Chemistry-III 2
CHEM-106 Chemistry-III(lab) 1
PHY-104 Physics-II(lab) 1.5
TXE-104 Workshop Practise(lab) 1.5
TXE-209 Textile Raw Material-II 3
ENG-102* Business Communications 2
SEMESTER 4 Total Credits = 24
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ENG-103 Advance Composition(Technical English Writing) 3
TXE-201 Polymer Science 3
TXE-207 Elements of Electrical Engineering & Electronics 3
PHY-105 Physics-III 2
TXE-208 Electrical Engineering & Electronics(lab) 1.5
CSC-202 Computer Programming (Lab) 1.5
SSC-301 Industrial Psychology 3
ENG-103* Advance Composition(Technical English Writing) 2
SSC-301* Industrial Psychology 2
TXE 221 Marketing 3
SEMESTER 5 Total Credits = 19
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
STAT-101 Statistics 3
MATH-104 Mathematics-IV 2
TXE-205 Yarn Manufacturing -I 3
TXE-211 Fabric Manufacturing -I 3
HUM-201 World Civilization 3
TXE-206 Yarn Manufacturing -I(lab) 1.5
TXE-212 Fabric Manufacturing -I(lab) 1.5
HUM-201* World Civilization 2
SEMESTER 6 Total Credits = 19.5
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
TXE-215 Wet Processing -I 3
TXE-217 Apparel Manufacturing-I 3
TXE-213 Introduction to Microprocessor,Robotics & Control Engineering 3
TXE-219 Textile Physics-I 3
TXE-216 Wet Processing-I(Lab) 1.5
TXE-218 Apparel Manufacturing-I(Lab) 1.5
TXE-305 Textile Testing & Quality Control-I 3
TXE-306 Textile Testing & Quality Control-I(lab) 1.5
SEMESTER 7 Total Credits = 15.5
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
TXE-301 Yarn Manufacturing -II 3
TXE-303 Fabric Manufacturing -II 3
TXE-302 Yarn Manufacturing -II(lab) 1.5
TXE-304 Fabric Manufacturing -II(lab) 1.5
TXE-311 Textile Testing & Quality Control-II 3
TXE-312 Textile Testing & Quality Control-II(lab) 1.5
TXE-421 Accounting 2
SEMESTER 8 Total Credits = 16.5
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
TXE-307 Wet Processing-II 3
TXE-309 Apparel Manufacturing-II 3
TXE-308 Wet Processing-II(lab) 1.5
TXE-310 Apparel Manufacturing-II(Lab) 1.5
TXE-321 Textile Testing & Quality Control-III 3
TXE-322 Textile Testing & Quality Control-III(lab) 1.5
TXE-449 Technical Textiles 3
SEMESTER 9 Total Credits = 15
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
TXE-313 Textile Physics-II 3
TXE-315 Fabric Structure & Design 3
TXE-317 Fundamental Mechanical Engineering 3
TXE-319 Fundamental Machine Design 3
TXE-316 Fabric Structure & Design(lab) 1.5
TXE-318 Fundamental Mechanical Engineering(lab) 1.5
SEMESTER 10 Total Credits = 52.5
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
TXE-401 Yarn Manufacturing-III (Optional) 3
TXE-409 Production Planning & Control 3
TXE-411 Industrial Management 3
TXE-433 Maintenance of Textile Machinery & Safety Measures (Yarn) 3
TXE-402 Yarn Manufacturing-III(Optional) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-434 Maintenance of Textile Machinery & Safety Measures (Yarn) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-410 Research Methodology 1.5
TXE-403 Fabric Manufacturing-III(Optional) 3
TXE-405 Wet Processing-III(Optional) 3
TXE-407 Apparel Manufacturing-III (Optional) 3
TXE-441 Industrial & Production Engineering-III 3
TXE-435 Maintenance of Textile Machinery & Safety Measures (Fabric) 3
TXE-437 Maintenance of Textile Machinery & Safety Measures (Wet) 3
TXE-439 Maintenance of Textile Machinery & Safety Measures (Apparel) 3
TXE-443 Logistics and Supply Chain Management 3
TXE-404 Fabric Manufacturing-III(Optional) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-406 Wet Processing-III(Optional) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-408 Apparel Manufacturing-III(Optional) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-444 Logistics and Supply Chain Management(Lab) 1.5
TXE-436 Maintenance of Textile Machinery & Safety Measures (Fabric) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-438 Maintenance of Textile Machinery & Safety Measures (Wet) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-440 Maintenance of Textile Machinery & Safety Measures (Apparel) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-442 Industrial and Production Engineering-III(Lab) 1.5
SEMESTER 11 Total Credits = 46.5
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
TXE-413 Yarn Manufacturing-IV(Optional) 3
TXE-421 Accounting & Marketing 3
TXE-423 Application of Computer in Textile 3
TXE-425 Special Textiles (Yarn Manufacturing) (Optional) 3
TXE-414 Yarn Manufacturing-IV(Optional) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-424 Application of Computer in Textiles(lab) 1.5
TXE-422 Research Project/Case Studies 1.5
TXE-415 Fabric Manufacturing-IV(Optional) 3
TXE-417 Wet Processing-IV(Optional) 3
TXE-419 Apparel Manufacturing-IV(Optional) 3
TXE-445 Industrial & Production Engineering-IV 3
TXE-427 Special Textiles (Fabric Manufacturing) (Optional) 3
TXE-429 Special Textiles (Wet Processing) (Optional) 3
TXE-431 Special Textiles (Apparel Manufacturing) (Optional) 3
TXE-447 Special Textiles 3
TXE-416 Fabric Manufacturing-IV(Optional) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-418 Wet Processing-IV(Optional) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-420 Apparel Manufacturing Engineering-IV(Optional) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-446 Industrial & Production Engineering-IV (Lab) 1.5
SEMESTER 12 Total Credits = 3
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
TXE-426 Industrial Training & practise-I 1.5
TXE-428 Industrial Training & practise-II 1.5
Total Semester: 12 Total Credits Offer: 263