Department of CSE

Course Outline
SEMESTER 1 Total Credits = 13
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
MATH 101 Calculus I 3
ENG 101 Basic English 3
CSE 101 Introduction to Computer 3
PHY 101 Physics I 3
PHY 102 Physics-I(Lab) 1
SEMESTER 2 Total Credits = 13
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHY 103 Physics-II PHY 101 3
ENG 102 Introduction to Composition ENG 101 3
MATH 102 Calculus-II 3
CSE 103 Structured Programming CSE 101 3
CSE 104 Structured Programming(Lab) 1
SEMESTER 3 Total Credits = 14
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
CSE 107 Object oriented Programming CSE 103 3
CSE 108 Object oriented Programming(Lab) 1
EEE 103 Electrical Circuits 3
EEE 104 Electrical Circuits(Lab) 1
CSE 131 Discrete Mathematics 3
ECO 201 Economics 3
SEMESTER 4 Total Credits = 14
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
MATH 201 Differential Equations 3
STAT 201 Statistics and Probability 3
EEE 201 Electronic Circuit I EEE 103 3
EEE 202 Electronic Circuit I(Lab) 1
CSE 201 Data Structure CSE 107 3
CSE 202 Data Structure(Lab) 1
SEMESTER 5 Total Credits = 14
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
MATH 203 Matrices,Laplaces Transform and Fourier Series 3
CSE 227 Digital Logic Design EEE 201 3
CSE 228 Digital Logic Design(Lab) 1
ACT 201 Principles of Accounting 3
CSE 203 Algorithm CSE 201 3
CSE 204 Algorithm(Lab) 1
SEMESTER 6 Total Credits = 11
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
CSE 313 Numerical Technique 3
EEE 207 Electronic Circuit II EEE 201 3
EEE 208 Electronic Circuit II(Lab) 1
CSE 231 Database System Design 3
CSE 232 Database System Design(Lab) 1
SEMESTER 7 Total Credits = 11
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
CSE 315 Operating System 3
CSE 316 Operating System(Lab) 1
CSE 237 Digital Electronics and Pulse Techniques EEE 207 3
CSE 238 Digital Electronics and Pulse Techniques(Lab) 1
HUM 304 World Civilization 3
SEMESTER 8 Total Credits = 14
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
CSE 323 Software Engineering 3
CSE 327 Microprocessor and Microcontroller 3
CSE 328 Microprocessor and Microcontroller(Lab) 1
CSE 331 Theory of Computation CSE 203 3
CSE 417 Simulation and Modeling 3
CSE 418 Simulation and Modeling(Lab) 1
SEMESTER 9 Total Credits = 11
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
CSE 333 Artificial Intelligence 3
CSE 334 Artificial Intelligence(Lab) 1
CSE 317 Computer Architecture CSE 227 3
CSE 318 Computer Architecture(Lab) 1
CSE 335 Data Communication 3
SEMESTER 10 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
CSE 325 Compiler Design CSE 331 3
CSE 326 Compiler Design(Lab) 1
CSE 401 Computer Interfacing CSE 327 3
CSE 402 Computer Interfacing(Lab) 1
CSE 415 System Analyst & Design CSE 323 3
CSE 416 System Analyst & Design(Lab) 1
SEMESTER 11 Total Credits = 11
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
CSE 421 Computer Graphics 3
CSE 422 Computer Graphics(Lab) 1
CSE 411 Computer Networks CSE 335 3
CSE 412 Computer Networks(Lab) 1
CSE 414 Project 3
SEMESTER 12 Total Credits = 7
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
CSE 403 VLSI Design 3
CSE 404 VLSI Design(Lab) 1
CSE 414 Project/Thesis 3
SEMESTER 0 Total Credits = 63
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
CSE 421 Distributed Database System CSE 231 3
CSE 422 Distributed Database System(Lab) 1
CSE 423 Pattern Recognition and Neural Network 3
CSE 424 Pattern Recognition and Neural Network(Lab) 1
CSE 427 Graph Theory 3
CSE 428 Graph Theory(Lab) 1
CSE 431 E-Commerce 3
CSE 432 E-Commerce(Lab) 1
CSE 433 Image Processing 3
CSE 434 Image Processing(Lab) 1
CSE 435 Expert System CSE 333 3
CSE 481 Parallel and Multicore Programming 3
CSE 497 Embedded System 3
CSE 436 Expert System(Lab) 1
CSE 455 Wireless and Cellular communication CSE 335 3
CSE 456 Wireless and Cellular communication(Lab) 1
CSE 461 Cryptography and Information Security 3
CSE 462 Cryptography and Information Security(Lab) 1
CSE 485 Internet and Web Technologies 3
CSE 486 Internet and Web Technologies(Lab) 1
CSE 487 Information Retrieval CSE 231 3
CSE 488 Information Retrieval(Lab) 1
CSE 491 Data Mining CSE 231 3
CSE 492 Data Mining(Lab) 1
CSE 493 Bioinformatics 3
CSE 495 Machiine Learning 3
Total Semester: 12 Total Credits Offer: 201

Department of Textile

Course Outline
SEMESTER 1 Total Credits = 19
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ENG-101 Basic English 3
MATH-101 Mathematics-I 3
CHEM-101 Chemistry-I 2
CSC-101 Introduction To Computer Applications 3
CHEM-102 Chemistry-I(lab) 1
TXE-102 Engineering Drawing (lab) 2
TXE-103 Introduction To Textile Engineering 3
ENG-101 Introduction to Composition 2
SEMESTER 2 Total Credits = 14.5
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
MATH-102 Mathematics-II 2
PHY-101 Physics-I 2
CHEM-103 Chemistry-II 2
TXE-101 Engineering Materials 3
CHEM-104 Chemistry-II(lab) 1
PHY-102 Physics-I(lab) 1.5
TXE-203 Textile Raw Material-I 3
SEMESTER 3 Total Credits = 18
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ENG-102 Introduction to Composition 3
MATH-103 Mathematics-III 2
PHY-103 Physics-II 2
CHEM-105 Chemistry-III 2
CHEM-106 Chemistry-III(lab) 1
PHY-104 Physics-II(lab) 1.5
TXE-104 Workshop Practise(lab) 1.5
TXE-209 Textile Raw Material-II 3
ENG-102* Business Communications 2
SEMESTER 4 Total Credits = 24
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ENG-103 Advance Composition(Technical English Writing) 3
TXE-201 Polymer Science 3
TXE-207 Elements of Electrical Engineering & Electronics 3
PHY-105 Physics-III 2
TXE-208 Electrical Engineering & Electronics(lab) 1.5
CSC-202 Computer Programming (Lab) 1.5
SSC-301 Industrial Psychology 3
ENG-103* Advance Composition(Technical English Writing) 2
SSC-301* Industrial Psychology 2
TXE 221 Marketing 3
SEMESTER 5 Total Credits = 19
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
STAT-101 Statistics 3
MATH-104 Mathematics-IV 2
TXE-205 Yarn Manufacturing -I 3
TXE-211 Fabric Manufacturing -I 3
HUM-201 World Civilization 3
TXE-206 Yarn Manufacturing -I(lab) 1.5
TXE-212 Fabric Manufacturing -I(lab) 1.5
HUM-201* World Civilization 2
SEMESTER 6 Total Credits = 19.5
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
TXE-215 Wet Processing -I 3
TXE-217 Apparel Manufacturing-I 3
TXE-213 Introduction to Microprocessor,Robotics & Control Engineering 3
TXE-219 Textile Physics-I 3
TXE-216 Wet Processing-I(Lab) 1.5
TXE-218 Apparel Manufacturing-I(Lab) 1.5
TXE-305 Textile Testing & Quality Control-I 3
TXE-306 Textile Testing & Quality Control-I(lab) 1.5
SEMESTER 7 Total Credits = 15.5
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
TXE-301 Yarn Manufacturing -II 3
TXE-303 Fabric Manufacturing -II 3
TXE-302 Yarn Manufacturing -II(lab) 1.5
TXE-304 Fabric Manufacturing -II(lab) 1.5
TXE-311 Textile Testing & Quality Control-II 3
TXE-312 Textile Testing & Quality Control-II(lab) 1.5
TXE-421 Accounting 2
SEMESTER 8 Total Credits = 16.5
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
TXE-307 Wet Processing-II 3
TXE-309 Apparel Manufacturing-II 3
TXE-308 Wet Processing-II(lab) 1.5
TXE-310 Apparel Manufacturing-II(Lab) 1.5
TXE-321 Textile Testing & Quality Control-III 3
TXE-322 Textile Testing & Quality Control-III(lab) 1.5
TXE-449 Technical Textiles 3
SEMESTER 9 Total Credits = 15
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
TXE-313 Textile Physics-II 3
TXE-315 Fabric Structure & Design 3
TXE-317 Fundamental Mechanical Engineering 3
TXE-319 Fundamental Machine Design 3
TXE-316 Fabric Structure & Design(lab) 1.5
TXE-318 Fundamental Mechanical Engineering(lab) 1.5
SEMESTER 10 Total Credits = 52.5
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
TXE-401 Yarn Manufacturing-III (Optional) 3
TXE-409 Production Planning & Control 3
TXE-411 Industrial Management 3
TXE-433 Maintenance of Textile Machinery & Safety Measures (Yarn) 3
TXE-402 Yarn Manufacturing-III(Optional) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-434 Maintenance of Textile Machinery & Safety Measures (Yarn) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-410 Research Methodology 1.5
TXE-403 Fabric Manufacturing-III(Optional) 3
TXE-405 Wet Processing-III(Optional) 3
TXE-407 Apparel Manufacturing-III (Optional) 3
TXE-441 Industrial & Production Engineering-III 3
TXE-435 Maintenance of Textile Machinery & Safety Measures (Fabric) 3
TXE-437 Maintenance of Textile Machinery & Safety Measures (Wet) 3
TXE-439 Maintenance of Textile Machinery & Safety Measures (Apparel) 3
TXE-443 Logistics and Supply Chain Management 3
TXE-404 Fabric Manufacturing-III(Optional) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-406 Wet Processing-III(Optional) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-408 Apparel Manufacturing-III(Optional) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-444 Logistics and Supply Chain Management(Lab) 1.5
TXE-436 Maintenance of Textile Machinery & Safety Measures (Fabric) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-438 Maintenance of Textile Machinery & Safety Measures (Wet) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-440 Maintenance of Textile Machinery & Safety Measures (Apparel) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-442 Industrial and Production Engineering-III(Lab) 1.5
SEMESTER 11 Total Credits = 46.5
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
TXE-413 Yarn Manufacturing-IV(Optional) 3
TXE-421 Accounting & Marketing 3
TXE-423 Application of Computer in Textile 3
TXE-425 Special Textiles (Yarn Manufacturing) (Optional) 3
TXE-414 Yarn Manufacturing-IV(Optional) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-424 Application of Computer in Textiles(lab) 1.5
TXE-422 Research Project/Case Studies 1.5
TXE-415 Fabric Manufacturing-IV(Optional) 3
TXE-417 Wet Processing-IV(Optional) 3
TXE-419 Apparel Manufacturing-IV(Optional) 3
TXE-445 Industrial & Production Engineering-IV 3
TXE-427 Special Textiles (Fabric Manufacturing) (Optional) 3
TXE-429 Special Textiles (Wet Processing) (Optional) 3
TXE-431 Special Textiles (Apparel Manufacturing) (Optional) 3
TXE-447 Special Textiles 3
TXE-416 Fabric Manufacturing-IV(Optional) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-418 Wet Processing-IV(Optional) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-420 Apparel Manufacturing Engineering-IV(Optional) (Lab) 1.5
TXE-446 Industrial & Production Engineering-IV (Lab) 1.5
SEMESTER 12 Total Credits = 3
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
TXE-426 Industrial Training & practise-I 1.5
TXE-428 Industrial Training & practise-II 1.5
Total Semester: 12 Total Credits Offer: 263

Department of EEE

Course Outline
SEMESTER 1 Total Credits = 14
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
EEE-1111 Electrical Circuits I 3
EEE-1112 Electrical Circuits I Sessional 1
MATH-1101 Elementary Mathematics 3
PHY-1101 Physics I 3
PHY-1102 Physics I Sessional 1
ENG-1101 Basic English 3
SEMESTER 2 Total Credits = 15
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
EEE-1211 Electrical Circuit II EEE-1111 3
EEE-1212 Electrical Circuit II Sessional EEE-1111 1
PHY-1213 Physics II PHY-1101 3
PHY-1214 Physics II Sessional PHY-1101 1
MATH-1201 Mathematics I MATH-1101 3
CSE-1201 Computer Fundamentals 3
CSE-1202 Computer Fundamentals Sessional 1
SEMESTER 3 Total Credits = 13
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
CHEM-1301 Chemistry 3
CHEM-1302 Chemistry Sessional 1
MATH-1315 Mathematics II MATH-1201 3
ME-1317 Fundamental of Mechanical Eng. PHY-1101 3
ENG-1303 Advance English ENG-1101 3
SEMESTER 4 Total Credits = 14
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
EEE-2111 Electronics Circuits I EEE-1111 3
EEE-2112 Electronics Circuits I Sessional EEE-1111 1
MATH-2117 Mathematics III MATH-1315 3
CSE-2113 Computer Programming CSE-1201 3
CSE-2114 Computer Programming Sessional CSE-1202 1
STAT-2111 Engg. State & Prob.Theory 3
SEMESTER 5 Total Credits = 13
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
EEE-2213 Electronics Circuit II EEE-2111 3
EEE-2214 Electronics Circuit II Sessional EEE-2112 1
MATH-2219 Mathematics IV MATH-2117 3
EEE-2211 Engineering Electromagnetics PHY-1101 3
EEE-2217 Energy Conversion I EEE-1211 3
SEMESTER 6 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
EEE-2319 Energy Conversion II EEE-2217 3
EEE-2320 Energy Conversion Sessional EEE-2217 1
EEE-2311 Power System I EEE-2217 3
EEE-2312 Power System I Sessional EEE-2217 1
EEE-2324 Electrical Service Design 1
HUM-2373 World Civilization 3
SEMESTER 7 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
EEE-3115 Digital Electronics EEE-2111 3
EEE-3116 Digital Electronics Sessional EEE-2111 1
HUM-3171 Bangladesh Study 3
EEE-3111 Numerical Techniques MATH-1201 2
EEE-3119 Continuous Signals & Linear Systems EEE-2213 3
SEMESTER 8 Total Credits = 13
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
MGT-3213 Industrial Management 3
EEE-3215 Digital Signal Processing I EEE-3119 3
EEE-3216 Digital Signal Processing I Sessional EEE-3119 1
HUM-3273 Sociology 3
ECO-1371 Principles of Economics 3
SEMESTER 9 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
EEE-3313 Control System I EEE-3119 3
EEE-3314 Control System I Sessional EEE-3119 1
EEE-3311 Communication Theory EEE-3119 3
EEE-3312 Communication Theory sessional EEE-3119 1
HUM-3371 Professional Ethics 3
CE-3112 xxx Engineering Drawing Sessional (This Course is no longer valid) EEE-2314 1
SEMESTER 10 Total Credits = 4
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
EEE-4111 Microprocessor & Interfacing EEE-3115 3
EEE-4112 Microprocessor & Interfacing Sessional EEE-3115 1
SEMESTER 11 Total Credits = 1.5
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
EEE-4200A Senior Project/Thesis 1.5
SEMESTER 12 Total Credits = 3
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
EEE-4200B Senior Project/Thesis 3
SEMESTER 0 Total Credits = 112
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
EEE-4121 Power System II EEE-2311 3
EEE-4123 Energy Conversion III EEE-2319 3
EEE-4125 Power Electronics EEE-2111 3
EEE-4126 Power Electronics Sessional EEE-21111 1
EEE-4227 Power Plant Engineering EEE-2311 3
EEE-4221 Power System Protection EEE-4121 3
EEE-4222 Power System Protection Sessional EEE-4121 1
EEE-4229 Power System Reliability EEE-2311 3
EEE-4225 Power System Operation & Control EEE-4121 3
EEE-4223 High Voltage Engineering EEE-4121 3
EEE-4224 High Voltage Engineering Sessional EEE-4121 1
EEE-4133 Processing & Fabrication Technology 3
EEE-4135 VLSI I EEE-3115 3
EEE-4136 VLSI ISessional EEE-3115 1
EEE-4237 Solid State Device EEE-2111 3
EEE-4231 VLSI II EEE-4135 3
EEE-4232 VLSI II Sessional EEE-4135 1
EEE-4233 Optoelectronics EEE-4237 3
EEE-4247 Digital Integrated Circuits EEE-3115 3
EEE-4248 Digital Integrated Circuit Design Laboratory EEE-3115 1
EEE-4365 Biomedical Instrumentation EEE-3119 3
EEE-4366 Biomedical Instrumentation Sessional EEE-3119 1
EEE-4367 Measurement & Intrumentation EEE-1211 3
EEE-4368 Measurement & Intrumentation Sessional EEE-1211 1
EEE-4369 Electrical Properties of Materials 3
EEE-4141 Random Signals & Processes EEE-3119 3
EEE-4143 Digital Signal Processing II EEE-3241 3
EEE-4145 Microwave Engineering EEE-2211 3
EEE-4146 Microwave Engineering Sessional EEE-2211 1
EEE-4247 Optical Fiber Communication EEE-2211 3
EEE-4241 Digital Communication EEE-3311 3
EEE-4242 Digital Communication Sessional EEE-3311 1
EEE-4243 Mobile Cellular Communication EEE-3311 3
EEE-4245 Telecommunication Engineering EEE-3311 3
CSE-4155 Microprocessor System Design EEE-4111 3
CSE-4151 Operating System CSE-1201 3
CSE-4156 Microprocessor System Design Sessional EEE-4111 1
CSE-4153 Software Engineering CSE-2113 3
CSE-4257 Real Time Computer System CSE-1201 3
CSE-4251 Data Structure CSE-1201 3
CSE-4252 Data Structure Sessional CSE-1201 1
CSE-4253 Computer Architecture CSE-1201 3
CSE-4255 Multimedia Communication CSE-4151 3
CSE-4357 Computer Network CSE-1201 3
CSE-4358 Computer Network Sessional CSE-1201 1

Public Health Nutrition

Course Outline
Total-Credit = 13
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
MATH 101 Calculus I 3
ENG 101 Basic English 3
CSE 101 Introduction to Computer 3
PHY 101 Physics I 3
PHY 102 Physics-I(Lab) 1
SEMESTER 1 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHN-101 English-I 3
PHN-102 Introduction to Computer 3
PHN-103 Inorganic Chemistry 2
PHN-104 Introduction to Public Health Nutrition-I 3
PHN-105 Inorganic Chemistry Lab 1
SEMESTER 2 Total Credits = 15
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHN-106 English-II 3
PHN-107 Organic Chemistry-I 2
PHN-108 Introduction to Public Health Nutrition-II 3
PHN-109 Microeconomics 3
PHN-110 Community Nutrition 3
PHN-111 Organic Chemistry-Lab 1
SEMESTER 3 Total Credits = 13
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHN-112 English-III 3
PHN-113 Organic Chemistry-II 2
PHN-114 Physical Chemistry 3
PHN-115 Microbiology 3
PHN-116 Physical Chemistry Lab 1
PHN-117 Viva Voce 1
SEMESTER 4 Total Credits = 11
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHN-201 Macronutrient Biochemistry 3
PHN-202 Human Physiology-I 3
PHN-203 Human Anatomy 3
PHN-204 Biochemistry Lab-I 1
PHN-205 Physiology Lab 1
SEMESTER 5 Total Credits = 13
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHN-206 Micronutrient Biochemistry 3
PHN-207 Human Physiology-II 3
PHN-208 Food Chemistry 3
PHN-209 Biostatistics 3
PHN-210 Biostatistics Lab 1
SEMESTER 6 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHN-211 Instrumental Method and Analysis 2
PHN-212 Macroeconomics 3
PHN-213 Food Microbiology-I 3
PHN-214 Introduction to Management 2
PHN-215 Microbiology Lab 1
PHN-216 Viva Voce 1
SEMESTER 7 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHN-301 Biochemistry-I 3
PHN-302 Maternal and Child Nutrition 3
PHN-303 Assessment of Nutritional Status-I 3
PHN-304 World Civilization 2
PHN-305 Biochemistry Lab-II 1
SEMESTER 8 Total Credits = 13
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHN-306 Biochemistry-II 3
PHN-307 Food Science-I 3
PHN-308 Assessment of Nutritional Status-II 3
PHN-309 Nutritional Planning-I 3
PHN-310 Food Science and Technology Lab 1
SEMESTER 9 Total Credits = 13
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHN-311 Food Science-II 2
PHN-312 Nutritional Planning-II 3
PHN-313 Clinical Nutrition 3
PHN-314 Nutritional Problem 3
PHN-315 Clinical Nutrition Lab 1
PHN-316 Viva Voce 1
SEMESTER 10 Total Credits = 16
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHN-401 Nutritional Epidemiology 3
PHN-402 Food Technology 3
PHN-403 Dietetics-I 3
PHN-404 Nutrition in Emergencies 3
PHN-405 Field Assessment 3
PHN-406 Food Chemistry lab 1
SEMESTER 11 Total Credits = 11
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHN-407 Dietetics-II 2
PHN-408 Food Microbiology-II 3
PHN-409 Nutritional Biochemistry-I 3
PHN-410 Development Nutrition-I 2
PHN-411 Diet Preparation Lab 1
SEMESTER 12 Total Credits = 14
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHN-412 Nutritional Biochemistry-II 2
PHN-414 Compounding and Data Analysis 2
PHN-415 Development Nutrition-II 3
PHN-416 Research Methodology 2
PHN-417 Food Group and Exchange List Lab 1
PHN-418 Viva Voce 1
PHN-413 Nutrition Education 3

Department Pharmacy

Course Outline
SEMESTER 1 Total Credits = 16
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHR 1101 Introduction to Pharmacy 2
PHR 1102 Inorganic Pharmacy 3
PHR 1102L Inorganic Pharmacy Practical 1
PHR 1103 Organic Pharmacy-I 3
PHR 1103L Organic Pharmacy-I Practical 1
COM 1104 Introduction to Computer & Communication Techniques 3
GED 1105 Communicative English and Composition 3
BMA 1000 Basic Mathematics (Additional for the students having no Mathematics at HSC or A-Level) (3 Non Contributing)
SEMESTER 2 Total Credits = 23
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHR 1201 Physical Pharmacy- I 3
PHR 1201L Physical Pharmacy- I Practical 1
PHR 1202 Pharmacognosy- I 3
PHR 1202L Pharmacognosy- I Practical 1
PHR 1203 Physiology & Anatomy- I 3
PHR 1203L Physiology & Anatomy- I Practical 1
PHR 1204 Organic Pharmacy-II PHR 1103 3
PHR 1204L Organic Pharmacy-II Practical PHR 1103L 1
PHR 1205 Alternative Medicines and Nutraceuticals 3
GED 1206 Emergence of Bangladesh 3
PHR 1207 Oral Assessment-I 1
SEMESTER 3 Total Credits = 21
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHR 2101 Physical Pharmacy-II PHR 1201 3
PHR 2101L Physical Pharmacy-II Practical PHR 1201L 1
PHR 2102 Pharmacognosy-II PHR 1202 3
PHR 2102L Pharmacognosy- II Practical PHR 1202L 1
PHR 2103 Pharmaceutics-I 3
PHR 2104 Physiology & Anatomy-II PHR 1203 3
PHR 2104L Pharmacognosy- II Practical PHR 1203L 1
PHR 2105 Pharmaceutical Microbiology-I 2
PHR 2105L Pharmaceutical Microbiology-I Practical 1
BSM 2106 Biostatistics & Mathematics 3
SEMESTER 4 Total Credits = 23
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHR 2201 Pharmaceutical Analysis & Quality Control- I 3
PHR 2201L Pharmaceutical Analysis & Quality Control- I Practical 1
PHR 2202 Pharmaceutics- II PHR 2103 3
PHR 2202L Pharmaceutics-II Practical 1
PHR 2203 Pharmacology-I PHR 2104 3
PHR 2203L Pharmacology- I Practical PHR 2104L 1
PHR 2204 Pharmaceutical Technology-I PHR 2103 3
PHR 2204L Pharmaceutical Technology- I Practical 1
PHR 2205 Clinical Pathology 2
PHR 2206 Pharmaceutical Microbiology-II 2
GED 2207 Bengali Language, Literature & Culture 2
PHR 2208 Oral Assessment-II 1
SEMESTER 5 Total Credits = 22
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHR 3101 Medicinal Chemistry-I PHR 1103 3
PHR 3101L Medicinal Chemistry- I Practical PHR 1103L 1
PHR 3102 Biochemistry & Cellular Biology 3
PHR 3103 Pharmaceutical Analysis & Quality Control-II PHR 2201 3
PHR 3103L Pharmaceutical Analysis & Quality Control- II Practical PHR 2201L 1
PHR 3104 Pharmacology-II PHR 2203 3
PHR 3104L Pharmacology-II Practical PHR 2203L 1
PHR 3105 Pharmaceutical Technology-II PHR 2204 3
PHR 3105L Pharmaceutical Technology- II Practical PHR 2204L 1
PHR 3106 Hospital & Community Pharmacy 3
SEMESTER 6 Total Credits = 22
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHR 3201 Medicinal Chemistry-II PHR 3101 3
PHR 3201L Medicinal Chemistry- II Practical PHR 3101L 1
PHR 3202 Pharmacology-III PHR 3104 3
PHR 3202L Pharmacology- III Practical PHR 3104L 1
PHR 3203 Pharmacy Practice 3
PHR 3204 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology BPH 3102 3
PHR 3205 Pharmaceutical Engineering 3
GED 3206 Bangladesh Studies 2
PHR 3207 Oral Assessment- III 1
GED 3208 Basic accounting 2
SEMESTER 7 Total Credits = 21
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHR 4101 Pharmacotherapy I PHR 3201 2
PHR 4102 Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics-I 3
PHR 4102L Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics- I Practical 1
PHR 4103 Clinical Pharmacy 3
PHR 4103L Clinical Pharmacy Practical 1
PHR 4104 Pharmaceutical Analysis & Quality Control- III PHR 3103 3
PHR 4104L Pharmaceutical Analysis & Quality Control- III Practical PHR 3103L 1
PHR 4105 Pharmaceutical Marketing & Management 2
PHR 4106 Pharmacology IV 3
PHR 4107 Professional Project 2
SEMESTER 8 Total Credits = 18
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
PHR 4201 Cosmetology 3
PHR 4201L Cosmetology Practical 1
PHR 4202 Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics-II PHR 4102 3
PHR 4202L Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics- II Practical PHR 4102L 1
PHR 4203 Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs 3
PHR 4204 Pharmacotherapy II 2
GED 4205 Pharmacoeconomics & Policy 2
PHR 4206 Oral Assessment- IV 1
PHR 4207 (Industrial &/or Hospital) Training 2

Department of Microbiology

Course Outline
SEMESTER 1 Total Credits = 13
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ENG 101 Basic English 3
STAT 101 Introduction to Statistics 3
CHEM 101 Inorganic Chemistry 2
MBIO 101 General Microbiology-I 3
CHEM 102 Inorganic Chemistry Practical 1
MBIO 104 Microbiology Practical-I 1
SEMESTER 2 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
CHEM 103 Organic Chemistry CHEM 101 2
ENG 102 Introduction to Composition ENG 101 3
MBIO 102 General Microbiology-II MBIO 101 3
MBIO 103 Basic techniques in Microbiology 3
CHEM 104 Organic Chemistry Practical CHEM 102 1
SEMESTER 3 Total Credits = 11
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
CSC 101 Introduction to Computers 3
MBIO 105 Microbial Chemistry 3
BC 101 Basic Biochemistry-i 3
MBIO 106 Microbiology Practical-II 1
MBIO 107 Viva Voce 1
SEMESTER 4 Total Credits = 13
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
MBIO 201 Microbial Ecology 3
MBIO 202 Microbial Metabolism-I 3
BC 201 Basic Biochemistry-II BC 101 3
MBIO 306 Immunology I 3
MBIO 203 Microbiology Practical-III 1
SEMESTER 5 Total Credits = 10
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
MBIO 204 Environmental Microbiology 3
MBIO 205 Microbial Metabolism-II MBIO 201 3
MBIO 206 Human Physiology 3
MBIO 207 Microbiology Practical-IV 1
SEMESTER 6 Total Credits = 14
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
MBIO 208 Food Microbiology-I 3
MBIO 209 Mycology 3
MBIO 210 Medical Microbiology-I 3
MGT 213 Principle of Management 3
MBIO 211 Microbiology Practical-V 1
MBIO 212 Viva Voce 1
SEMESTER 7 Total Credits = 13
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
MBIO 301 Medical Microbiology-II MBIO 210 3
MBIO 302 Basic Microbial Genetics 3
MBIO 303 Virology-I 3
MBIO 304 Soli Microbiology 3
MBIO 305 MIcrobiology Practical-VI 1
SEMESTER 8 Total Credits = 13
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
MBIO 411 Immunology -II MBIO 306 3
MBIO 307 Agriculture Microbiology 3
MBIO 308 Enzymology 3
MBIO 309 Microbial Molecular Genetics 3
MBIO 310 Microbiology Practical-VII 1
SEMESTER 9 Total Credits = 14
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
MBIO 311 Microbiology of Frozen Food & Fish 3
MBIO 312 Virology-II MBIO 303 3
MBIO 313 Industrial Microbiology 3
MBIO 314 Pharmaceutical Microbiology 3
MBIO 315 Microbiology Practical-VIII 1
MBIO 316 Viva Voce 1
SEMESTER 10 Total Credits = 13
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
MBIO 401 Clinical & Diagnoostic Microbiology 3
MBIO 402 Food Microbiology-II MBIO 208 3
MBIO 403 Fermentation technology 3
MBIO 404 Genetic Engineering 3
MBIO 405 Microbiology Practical-IX 1
SEMESTER 11 Total Credits = 10
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
MBIO 406 Analytical Microbiology 3
MBIO 407 Microbial Biotechnology 3
MBIO 408 Quality Control of Food,Fish & Beverages 3
MBIO 409 Microbiology Laboratory-X 1
SEMESTER 12 Total Credits = 13
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
MBIO 410 Environmental Pollution & Bioremental Pollution & Bioremediation 3
MBIO 412 Microbiology Project 8
MBIO 413 Viva-Voce 2

Department of Biochemistry

Course Outline
SEMESTER 1 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
Biochem 101 Bio-Physial Chemistry-I 2
Biochem 102 Bio-Physial Chemistry-I(Lab) 1
Biochem 103 Bio-Organic Chemistry-I 2
Biochem 104 Bio-Organic Chemistry-I(Lab) 1
Biochem 105 Basic Biology 3
Biochem 106 Basic English 3
SEMESTER 2 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
Biochem 107 Introduction to Biochemistry-I 3
Biochem 108 Bio-Physical Chemistry-II 2
Biochem 109 Bio-Physical Chemistry-II(lab) 1
Biochem 110 Bio-Organic Chemistry-II 2
Biochem 111 Bio-Organic Chemistry-II(Lab) 1
Biochem 112 Introduction to Composition 3
SEMESTER 3 Total Credits = 14
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
Biochem 113 Introduction to Biochemistry-II 3
Biochem 114 Human Physiology 3
Biochem 115 Human Physiology(Lab) 1
Biochem 116 Fundamentals of Computer 3
Biochem 117 World Civilization & Bangladesh Studies 3
Biochem 118 Viva-Voce 1
SEMESTER 4 Total Credits = 14
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
Biochem 201 Enzymes and Bioenergetics-I 3
Biochem 202 Enzymes and Bioenergetics-I(Lab) 1
Biochem 203 Microbiology 3
Biochem 204 Microbiology(Lab) 1
Biochem 205 Endocrinology 3
Biochem 206 Biostatistics-I 3
SEMESTER 5 Total Credits = 11
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
Biochem 207 Metabolism-I 3
Biochem 208 Metabolism-I(Lab) 1
Biochem 209 Bioenergetics and Enzymes-II 3
Biochem 210 Bioenergetics and Enzymes-II(Lab) 1
Biochem 211 Biostatistics-II 3
SEMESTER 6 Total Credits = 14
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
Biochem 212 Metabolism-II 3
Biochem 213 Biochemical Techniques 3
Biochem 214 Biochemical Techniques(Lab) 1
Biochem 215 Reaction Mechanism & Synthetic Chemistry 3
Biochem 216 Neuro-Biochemistry 3
Biochem 217 Viva-Voce 1
SEMESTER 7 Total Credits = 10
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
Biochem 301 Metabolism-III 3
Biochem 302 Metabolism-III(Lab) 1
Biochem 303 Chemistry of Natural Products 2
Biochem 304 Basic Immunology 3
Biochem 305 Basic Immunology(Lab) 1
SEMESTER 8 Total Credits = 9
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
Biochem 306 Moleculer Biology-I 3
Biochem 307 Moleculer Biology-I(Lab) 1
Biochem 308 Plant Biochemistry 2
Biochem 309 Human Nutrition-I 3
SEMESTER 9 Total Credits = 16
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
Biochem 310 Moleculer Biology-II 3
Biochem 311 Moleculer Genetics 3
Biochem 312 Human Nutrition-II 3
Biochem 313 Virology 3
Biochem 314 Genetic Engineering 3
Biochem 315 Viva-Voce 1
SEMESTER 10 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
Biochem 401 Cellular Biochemistry-I 3
Biochem 402 Immunology-I 3
Biochem 403 Oncology 3
Biochem 404 Plant Biotechnology 3
SEMESTER 11 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
Biochem 405 Cellular Biochemistry-II 3
Biochem 406 Immunology-II 3
Biochem 407 Clinical Biochemistry 3
Biochem 408 Clinical Biochemistry(Lab) 1
Biochem 409 Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I 2
SEMESTER 12 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
Biochem 410 Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II 2
Biochem 411 Industrial Biotechnology 3
Biochem 412 Reasearch Project/Training 6
Biochem 413 Viva-Voce 1

Master of Pharmacy

Course Outline
Courses of Semester I
Courese Code Course Title Credits
MPP 6101 Applied Pharmaceutics & Pharmaceutical Technology 3
MPP 6102 Applied Pharmacology and Toxicology 3
MPP 6103 Applied Pharmaceutical Analysis 2
MPP 6104 Immunology and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 2
MPP 6105 Applied Herbal Drug Affairs 2
MPP 6106 Professional Pharmacy Practice 2
MPP 6107 Pharmaceutical Marketing & Financial Affairs 3
MPT 6108 Thesis -Part I 2
Total=19 credits
Courses of Semester II
Courese Code Course Title Credits
MPP 6201 Applied Medicinal Chemistry 3
MPP 6202 Applied Bioavailability & Bioequivalence 2
MPP 6203 Drug Therapy and Management 3
MPP 6204 Pharmaceutical Quality Control & Analytical Method Validation 2
MPP 6205 Research Methodology 2
MPT 6208 Thesis-Part II 4
MPT 6209 Oral Assessment 1
Total=17 credits
Grand Total = 36 Credits

Department of ITHM

Course Outline
SEMESTER 1 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ITHM 1101 Basic English for Tourism and Hospitality Industry 3
ITHM 1102 Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality Industry 3
ITHM 1103 Front Office Management 3
ITHM 1104 Computing Fundamentals 3
SEMESTER 2 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ITHM 1201 Food and Beverage Service 3
ITHM 1202 The Art and Science of Culinary Preparation 3
ITHM 1203 Travel Agency and Tour Operation Management 3
ITHM 1204 Housekeeping Management 3
SEMESTER 3 Total Credits = 3
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ITHM 1301 Industrial Placement(12 weeks) One on-premises Semester(Min) 3
SEMESTER 4 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ITHM 2401 Advanced Foreign Language for Tourism and Hospitality Industry(Arabic/French/German/Japanese/Chinese/Spanish) 3
ITHM 2402 Club,Casino and Bar Management 3
ITHM 2403 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry 3
ITHM 2404 Food and Beverage Management 3
SEMESTER 5 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ITHM 2501 Business and Professional Communication 3
ITHM 2502 Catering,Banquet and MICE Management 3
ITHM 2503 Human Resources Management in Tourism and Hospitality Industry 3
ITHM 2504 Basic Hotel and Restaurant Accounting 3
SEMESTER 6 Total Credits = 3
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ITHM 2601 Industrial Placement(12 weeks) ITHM-1301 3
SEMESTER 7 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ITHM 3701 Principle of Management 3
ITHM 3702 Computing Program for Tourism and Hospitality Industry(PMS/GDS/CRS) ITHM-1104 3
ITHM 3703 Tourism Planning and Development 3
ITHM 3704 Tourism and Hospitality Marketing 3
SEMESTER 8 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ITHM 3801 Business Mathematics 3
ITHM 3802 Hospitality Facilities Management and Design 3
ITHM 3803 Resort Development and Management 3
ITHM 3804 Management of Information System in tourism and Hospitality Industries ITHM-1104 3
SEMESTER 9 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ITHM 3901 Financial Accounting 3
ITHM 3902 Financial Management 3
ITHM 3903 Ecotourism 3
ITHM 3904 Sanitation and Risk Management 3
SEMESTER 10 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ITHM 4101 Micro Economics 3
ITHM 4102 Hospitality Supply and Procurment Management 3
ITHM 4103 Marketing,Advertising and Promotional Management 3
ITHM 4104 Legal Issues in Tourism and Hospitality Industry 3
SEMESTER 11 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ITHM 4111 Amusement Park,Museum and Shopping Mall Management 3
ITHM 4112 Organization Behavior 3
ITHM 4113 Security and Loss Prevention Management 3
ITHM 4114 Tourism in Bangladesh:Problems and Prospects Min-75 Credits 3
SEMESTER 12 Total Credits = 6
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ITHM 4121 Industrial Placement(12 weeks) ITHM-1301 & ITHM-2601 3
ITHM 4122 Tourism Research-Final Dissertation(Thesis/Project) Min-90 Credits 3

Department of BBA

Course Outline
SEMESTER 1 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ENG 101 Basic English 3
CIS 101 Introduction to Computer 3
BMATH 101 Introduction to Mathematics 3
BUS 101 Introduction to Business 3
SEMESTER 2 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ENG 102 Introduction to Composition ENG 101 3
GED 101 World Civilization 3
ECO 101 Micro Economics BMATH 101 3
CIS 201 Computer Application CIS 101 3
SEMESTER 3 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ENG 103 Advanced Composition ENG 102 3
GED 102 Introduction to Psychology 3
BMATH 102 Mathematics for Decision Making BMATH 101 3
ECO 201 Macro Economics ECO 101 3
SEMESTER 4 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
GED 202 Bangladesh Studies 3
STAT 101 Basic Statistics 3
BUS 102 Business Communication BUS 101 3
MGT 101 Principle of Management BUS 101 3
SEMESTER 5 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
GED 201 Introduction to Physical Science 3
STAT 201 Business Statistics STAT 101 3
LEB 101 Legal Environment of Business MGT 101 3
MKT 101 Introduction to Marketing 3
SEMESTER 6 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ACT 101 Financial Accounting i 3
FIN 101 Introduction to Finance 3
HRM 201 Human Resources Management MGT 101 3
MKT 201 Marketing Management MKT 101 3
SEMESTER 7 Total Credits = 12
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ACT 102 Financial Accounting ii ACT 101 3
MGT 102 Organization Behavior MGT 101 3
FIN 201 Financial Management FIN 201 3
BUS 303 International Business ECO 201 3
SEMESTER 8 Total Credits = 9
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ACT 201 Management Accounting ACT 102 3
MGT 302 Entrepreneurship & small B.Mgt. MGT 102 3
MGT 301 Operation Mangement ECO 101 3
SEMESTER 9 Total Credits = 6
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
BUS 304 Research Methods STAT 201 3
MGT 401 Business Strategy and Policy MGT 302 3
SEMESTER 12 Total Credits = 4
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
Internship 4
SEMESTER 0 Total Credits = 112
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ACT 401 Cost accounting 3
ACT 402 Accounting Information system 3
ACT 403 Taxation 3
ACT 404 Auditing 3
ACT 405 Accounting Standards 3
ACT 406 Capital Budgeting 3
FIN 401 Corporate Finance 3
FIN 402 International Finance 3
FIN 403 Financial Markets & Institution 3
FIN 404 Security Analysis and Portfolio Mgt. 3
FIN 405 Micro Credit Management 3
FIN 406 Banking & Finance 3
HRM 401 Human Resource Planning & Forecasting 3
HRM 402 Industrial Relation 3
HRM 403 Training and Development 3
HRM 404 Compensation Management 3
HRM 405 Industrial Psychology 3
HRM 406 Conflict Management 3
MKT 401 Marketing Research 3
MKT 402 Brand Management 3
MKT 403 International Marketing 3
MKT 404 Product Planning and development 3
MKT 405 Service Sector Marketing 3
MKT 406 Promotion & Sales Management 3
BMG 401 Investment Theory 3
BMG 402 Bank Accounts 3
BMG 403 Micro Credit Management 3
BMG 404 Financial Institution 3
BMG 405 Commercial Banks Mgt. & Central Banking 3
BMG 406 Management of Insurance Company 3
OMT 401 Applied Management Science 3
OMT 402 Techonology and Change 3
OMT 403 Operations Research 3
OMT 404 Logistics Management 3
OMT 405 Inventory Management 3
OMT 406 Risk Management 3

Department of Architecture

Course Outline
SEMESTER 1 Total Credits = 15
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ARCH-1102 Design-I 6
ARCH-1204 Architectural Graphics-I 3
SC-1151 Physics in Architecture 2
SC-1153 Mathematics for Architects 2
HSS-1151 Business English & Reporting Writing 2
SEMESTER 2 Total Credits = 10.5
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ARCH-1206 Graphic Design & Sculpture 3
ARCH-1152 Computer for Design 1.5
ARCH-1201 Aesthetics (Optional) 2
ARCH-1205 Architectural Heritage-I 2
ARCH-1207 Building & Finish Materials 2
SEMESTER 3 Total Credits = 13
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ARCH-1302 Design-II ARCH-1102 6
ARCH-2204 Architectural Graphics-II 3
ARCH-1301 Theories in Design 2
ARCH-1303 Ecology for Architects(Optional) 2
SEMESTER 4 Total Credits = 11
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ARCH-2102 Design-III ARCH-1302 5
ARCH-1305 Architectural Heritage-II 2
ARCH-2103 Climatic Design 2
CE-2251 Concepts in Structure 2
SEMESTER 5 Total Credits = 12.5
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ARCH-2206 Photography & Graphic Reproduction 3
ARCH-1352 Computer Graphics 1.5
ARCH-2203 Architectural Acoustics 2
ARCH-2151 Physical Planning-I 2
ARCH-3103 Survey Technique 2
ARCH-2207 Architectural Lighting (Optional) 2
SEMESTER 6 Total Credits = 14
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ARCH-2302 Design-IV ARCH-2102 5
CE-2250 Building Materials & Constructions Workshop(Optional) 3
ARCH-2105 Architectural Heritage-III 2
ARCH-2307 Construction Details 2
CE-2351 Structure for Architects 2
SEMESTER 7 Total Credits = 13.5
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ARCH-3102 Design-V ARCH-2102 7.5
ARCH-2305 Architectural Heritage-IV 2
ARCH-3107 Plumbing in Buildings 2
HSS-3151 Sociology & Anthropology(Optional) 2
SEMESTER 8 Total Credits = 11
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ARCH-3204 Working Drawing 1.5
ARCH-3206 Interior Design 1.5
ARCH-3207 Electrical Services in Buildings 2
ARCH-3205 Modern Architecture 2
ARCH-3203 Architecture & Society (Optional) 2
ARCH 3209 Music Appreciation (Optional) 2
SEMESTER 9 Total Credits = 13.5
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ARCH-3202 Design-VI ARCH-3102 7.5
ARCH-3303 Specification & Cost Estimation 2
ARCH-3305 Contemporary Architecture 2
ARCH-3307 Mechanical Services in Buildings 2
SEMESTER 10 Total Credits = 15
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ARCH-4102 Design-VII ARCH-3202 9
ARCH-4103 Urban Design 2
ARCH-4107 Architectural Landscape 2
ARCH-4105 Health Facilities Planning & Design (Optional) 2
SEMESTER 11 Total Credits = 9
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ARCH-4204 Product Drawing 1.5
ARCH-4206 Landscape Design 1.5
ARCH-4251 Physical Planning-II 2
ARCH-4205 Architecture of Bengal 2
CE-4251 Simple Structural Design 2
SEMESTER 12 Total Credits = 15
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ARCH-4302 Design-VIII ARCH-4102 9
ARCH-4303 Housing 2
HSS-4351 Construction Management 2
ARCH-4307 Architectural Conservation (Optional) 2
SEMESTER 13 Total Credits = 14
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ARCH-5102 Design-IX ARCH-4302 12
ARCH-5103 Environmental Design 2
SEMESTER 14 Total Credits = 11
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
ARCH-5206 Seminar 3
ARCH-5303 Research Methodology 2
ARCH-5301 Rural Planning(Optional) 2
ARCH-5105 Industrial Building Planning & Design (Optional) 2
HSS-5153 Accounting (Optional) 2
SEMESTER 15 Total Credits = 14
Courese Code Course Title PreReq. Credits
AERC-5302 Design-X ARCH-5102 9
ARCH-5304 Dissertation 3
ARCH-5207 Professional Practice 2