Message From Chancellor

I want to express my deep appreciation for the unwavering dedication of our faculty, staff, and students to Primeasia University's mission of delivering high-quality education. Our institution, since its inception in 2003, has been committed to empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to address the ever-evolving challenges in our society. Our esteemed faculty members, in particular, have continued to excel in their roles, engaging in cutting-edge research, community service, and scholarly publications, which are pivotal to our growth. Our administrative team works diligently to ensure the smooth functioning of the university and support students, including those who need financial assistance. Your feedback and recommendations on our website are invaluable as they contribute to our pursuit of educational excellence. Your contributions are instrumental in shaping this University's future, and I am eager to witness the continued growth and success of our university.

-- Mohammed Shahabuddin.
Honorable President, People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Chancellor

Message From Vice-Chancellor

As the Vice Chancellor of Primeasia University, I extend a warm welcome to all our students. At Primeasia, we believe that education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's a pathway to positive change in society. We encourage you to embrace this journey of personal and intellectual growth. Our university was founded on the principles of social responsibility, ethical leadership, and critical thinking. We are here to support you in your pursuit of excellence, and I am confident that your time at Primeasia will empower you to become responsible citizens and leaders. Explore your potential, make the most of the opportunities we offer, and together, let's shape a brighter future for our society.

-- Prof. Dr. Iffat Jahan.

Message From Pro-Vice Chancellor

As the Pro-Vice Chancellor of Primeasia University, I am proud of our commitment to excellence in education. Our dedicated faculty, diligent staff, and talented students continually contribute to our mission of preparing individuals to thrive in today's dynamic world. We appreciate your feedback, especially on our website, as it helps us in our pursuit of delivering exceptional education in Bangladesh.

-- Prof. Dr. Suvamoy Datta.
Pro-Vice Chancellor

Message From Registrar

As the Registrar of Primeasia University, I extend my appreciation to our faculty, staff, and students for their unwavering dedication to our mission of providing quality education. The collective efforts of our academic community continue to drive our institution's success. Your valuable feedback, particularly regarding our website, is crucial in our ongoing efforts to enhance the educational experience at Primeasia University.

-- Brigadier General Saidur Rahman Khan, ndc, psc, te. (Retired).

Message From Controller of Examinations

As the Controller of Examinations at Primeasia University, I commend our students, faculty, and staff for their relentless pursuit of academic excellence. Your commitment to learning and teaching is the cornerstone of our educational institution's success. We understand the importance of feedback, and your insights, particularly regarding our website, are instrumental in our continuous efforts to improve and meet the academic needs of our students.

-- Brig Gen Syed Mofazzel Mowla (Retd).
Controller of Examinations