Details About Md. Arafat Rahman

Md. Arafat Rahman

Assistant Professor of Textile Department

Courses Taken

1. Yarn Manufacturing Engineering - I & II (Theory & Lab) 2. Textile Natural Fiber 3. Textile Man-made Fiber 4. Textile Testing & Quality Control - I & II (Theory & Lab) 5. Textile Physics I & II 6. Technical Textile

Publications & Journals

1. Bin, F., Hosen, I., Hoque, J., & Enayet, S. (2023). Green Technologies and Sustainability Assessing the barriers of integrating technological innovations in textiles sector : Implications towards sustainable production. Green Technologies and Sustainability, 1(3), 100039.


2. Mohammad Billal Hossain, Ahmed Saber Shravan, Md. Salman Farsee, Emdadul Haq ,Md. Arafat Rahman: “Investigations of color build up on cotton fabrics with reactive dyestuff after Alkali and bio-scouring and their comparison” International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM), Volume 4, Issue 8 Aug. 2022, pp:1517-1529,, ISSN: 2395-5252. DOI: 10.35629/5252-040815171529


3. Mohammad Billal Hossain , Ahmed Saber Shravan, Md. Salman Farsee, Emdadul Haq, Md. Arafat Rahman: “Effect of Concentration of NaOH & H2O2, M:L Ratio & Time on Scouring & Bleaching (Single Bath & Double Bath) on Jute Fiber” American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) e-ISSN: 2320-0847 p-ISSN : 2320 0936 Volume-11, Issue-09, pp-01-09,


4. Islam A., Hossain M.B., Haq E., Shravan A.S. & Rahman A. (2022). Factors Influencing Bursting Strength of Single Jersey Knitted Fabrics. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 18 (36), 68.

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