Details About Jhantu Bakchi

Jhantu Bakchi

Lecturer of Public Health Nutrition Department

Courses Taken

PHN-309 -Nutritional Planning-l, PHN-312-Nutritional Planning-II, PHN-401-Nutritional Epidemiology, PHN-404-Nutrition in Emergencies, PHN-408-Food Microbiology-ll, PHN-410-Development Nutrition-I, PHN-413-Nutritional Education, PHN-414-Compounding and Data Analysis, PHN-415-Development Nutrition-ll PHN-416-Research methodology PHN-417-Food Group and Exchange List Lab

Publications & Journals

Bakchi, J., Rasel, R.A., Shammi, K.F. et al. Effect of housing construction material on childhood acute respiratory infection: a hospital-based case control study in Bangladesh. Sci Rep 14, 8163 (2024).


 Kundu S, Nizum MWR, Fayeza F, Chowdhury SSA, Bakchi J, Sharif AB. Magnitude and trends in inequalities in healthcare-seeking behavior for pneumonia and mortality rate among under-five children in Bangladesh: Evidence from nationwide cross-sectional survey 2007 to 2017. Health Sci Rep. 2023 Dec 6;6(12):e1744. doi: 10.1002/hsr2.1744. PMID: 38078306; PMCID: PMC10700677.


Jhantu Bakchi, Satyajit Kundu, Subarna Ghosh & Sumaiya Akter (2018). Intimate Partner Violence in Bangladesh: A Scoping Review, Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics, 9 (3): 16-27. DOI: https://10.3329/bioethics.v9i3.48913

Kundu, S., Bakchi, J., Al Banna, M.H., Sayeed, A., Hasan, M.T., Abid, M.T., Ghosh, S., Sarker, N. and Khan, M.S.I., 2021. Depressive symptoms associated with loneliness and physical activities among graduate university students in Bangladesh: findings from a cross-sectional pilot study. Heliyon, 7(3), p.e06401. DOI:

Liton Chandra Sen, Jhantu Bakchi, Subarna Ghosh, Sujan Kanti Mali & Abu Shoeb Md. Touhiduzaman (2018). Constraints to Exclusive Breastfeeding among Rural Mothers at Selected Villages of Patuakhali District in Bangladesh, International Journal of Innovative Research, 3(3): 83–89. 

Kundu, S., Khan, M.S.I., Bakchi, J., Sayeed, A., Al Banna, M.H., Begum, M.R. and Hassan, M.N., 2020. Sources of nutrition information and nutritional knowledge among school-going adolescents in Bangladesh. Public Health in Practice, 1, p.100030.

Subarna Ghosh, Liton Chandra Sen, Sujan Kanti Mali, Md. Mozahidul Islam & Jhantu Bakchi (2021) The role of rural women in household food security and nutrition management in Bangladesh, Asian  Journal of        Women's         Studies,           27:3,   441-459,         DOI: https://10.1080/12259276.2021.1970351

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