Message From Chairman

Welcome to Primeasia University (PAU). Established in 2003, PAU is dedicated to providing quality higher education in Bangladesh. Our vision is to produce skilled graduates who can face real-world challenges, and our mission is to be a knowledge hub. Our experienced faculty promotes both academic and extracurricular activities. We value your feedback on our website, which will help us continue to improve and provide an outstanding education in Bangladesh.

-- Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam.
Board Of Trustees

Message From Vice-Chairman

In my role as the Vice Chairman of Primeasia University, I am proud of our ongoing dedication to providing quality education. Our esteemed faculty, diligent staff, and talented students have been the driving force behind our institution's success. Your feedback, particularly on our website, is invaluable in helping us continually improve and deliver an exceptional education experience at Primeasia University.

-- Mr. Md. Raihan Azad.
Board Of Trustees