Details About Moumita Tasnim

Moumita Tasnim

Lecturer of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Department

Courses Taken

Introduction to Biochemistry-II, Metabolism-II, Chemistry of Natural Products, Plant Biochemistry, Plant Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II, Clinical Biochemistry (Lab).

Publications & Journals

       1. A Comparative Study on Lipid Profile of before and after Synchronized Dairy Cows under Bathan Rearing System at Sirajgonj district of Bangladesh.

Tasnim, M.; Ahammed, R.; Shawan, M. M. A. K.; Hasan, A.; Islam, Md. S.; Morshed, M. 2018. International Journal of Biosciences (IJB), 13 (05), 301–308. DOI:10.12692/ijb/13.5.301-308. 

2. A Comparative Study on Reproductive Hormones of Repeat Breeding and Synchronized Repeat Breeding Dairy Cows under Bathan Rearing System at Baghabari Milk Shed Areas in Bangladesh.

 Ahammed, R., Tasnim, M., Halim, M.A., Sarkar, M., Islam, M.S. and Morshed, M., 2018. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS)11(11), pp.55-60. DOI:10.9790/2380-1111025560

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