Details About Dr. Md. Muin Uddin

Dr. Md. Muin Uddin

Assistant Professor of EEE Department

Courses Taken

Electrical Circuits, Electrical Machines, Power Plant Engineering, Power System Protection

Publications & Journals

[1]   Md Muin Uddin, Ji J, Wang C, Zhang C. Building energy conservation potentials of semi-transparent CdTe integrated photovoltaic window systems in Bangladesh context. Renewable Energy 2023; 207: 512-530. (Web of Science and Scopus indexed, IF: 8.7)

[2]   Md Muin Uddin, Ji J, Wang C, Zhang C, Ke W. A review on photovoltaic combined vacuum glazing: Recent advancement and prospects. Energy & Buildings 2023; 286: 112939. (Web of Science and Scopus indexed, IF: 6.7)

[3]   Md Muin Uddin, Wang C, Zhang C, Ji J. Investigating the Energy-Saving Performance of a CdTe-Based Semi-Transparent Photovoltaic Combined Hybrid Vacuum Glazing Window System. Energy 2022; 253:124019. (Web of Science and Scopus indexed, IF: 9.0)

[4]   Wang C, Md Muin Uddin, Ji J, Yu B, Wang J. The performance analysis of a double-skin ventilated window integrated with CdTe cells in typical climate regions. Energy & Buildings 2021; 241:110922. (Web of Science and Scopus indexed, IF: 6.7)

[5]   Wang C, Ji J, Md Muin Uddin, Yu B, Song Z. The study of a double-skin ventilated window integrated with CdTe cells in a rural building. Energy 2021;215:119043. (Web of Science and Scopus indexed, IF: 9.0)

[6]   Wang C, Li N, Yu B, Md Muin Uddin, Ji J. A novel solar spectrum-splitting utilization photocatalytic CdTe double-skin façade: Concept, design and performance investigation. Building & Environment 2021; 195:107776. (Web of Science and Scopus indexed, IF: 7.4)

[7]   Li Z, Ji J, Yuan W, Zhao B, Zhou F, Md Muin Uddin, et al. Experimental & numerical investigation and optimization on a novel flat-plate PV/T system using CdTe thin-film solar modules of sandwich structure. Solar Energy 2021;223:261–77. (Web of Science and Scopus indexed, IF: 6.7)

[8]   Han K, Ji J, Cai J, Gao Y, Zhang F, Md Muin Uddin, et al. Experimental and numerical investigation on a novel photovoltaic direct-driven ice storage air-conditioning system. Renewable Energy 2021;172:514–28. (Web of Science and Scopus indexed, IF: 8.7)

[9]   Li Z, Ji J, Yuan W, Song Z, Ren X, Md Muin Uddin, et al. Experimental and numerical investigations on the performance of a G-PV/T system comparing with A-PV/T system. Energy 2020;194: 116776 (Web of Science and Scopus indexed, IF: 9.0)

[10] M.S. Hossain, M. Muin, N. Amin, NUMERICAL MODELING OF Zn x Cd 1-x S/Zn x Cd 1-x Te SOLAR CELLS BY AMPS-1D, Int. J. Renew. Energy Resour. 5 (2015) 1–7.

[11]   Md. Muin Uddin, M.S. Hossain, N. Amin, Study on the prospects of Sb2Te3 back surface field in ZnCdS/ZnCdTe thin film solar cell, in: 2nd Int. Conf. Electr. Inf. Commun. Technol. EICT 2015, 2016: pp. 403–406.

[12]   M.S. Hossain, M. Muin, M.A. Matin, High Efficiency and Ultra Thin Zn x Cd 1-x S/ZnCdTe Solar Cell With Cu 2 Te BSF, in: 1st Natl. Conf. Electr. Commun. Eng. Renew. Energy, 2014: pp. 108–111.

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