Details About Shahriar Mohammad Shohan

Shahriar Mohammad Shohan

Lecturer of Pharmacy Department

Courses Taken

1. Pharmaceutical Engineering 2. Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics - 2 3. Pharmaceutics - 2

Publications & Journals

1. Rahman, M. M., Roy, U. K., Kouser, M., Shohan, S. M., Chakraborty, S., & Wahed, M. I. I. Exacerbation of Cardiovascular Complications in case of Covid-19 Patients and their Treatments. (2021). European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 116–122. hs.021.01160122

2. Shill, D. K., Jahan, S., Reza, Md. S., Shohan, S. M., & Rajbangshi, J. C. (2021). Prescription Patterns for Empagliflozin among Adults with Diabetes Mellitus in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 318–324. 021/v33i46b32945

3. Rahman, Mst.M., Kouser, Md., Roy, U.K., Shohan, S.M., Islam, Md.J., Shila, Mst.S., Chakraborty, S. and Wahed, M.I.I. (2023). The Significance and Implications of Nanotechnology in COVID-19. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 16(5), pp.2409–6. doi: 4-360X.2023.00411.  

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